Monday, December 14, 2009

Friedrich Heinrich Karl de la Motte, Baron Fouqué - Author of the 33rd Best Classic Horror Short Story 1800-1849

Freidrich Heinrich Karl de la Motte Fouque (1777-1843), the baron with the extremely long name, gives us the 33rd best horror short story for the time period at issue. He is the first German to appear on the countdown. Fouque was considered part of the German romantic movement. As a result he wrote poetry and a few novels, such as The Magic Ring and Undine. The later is considered his best work. H. P. Lovecraft, in his Supernatural Horror in Literature, called "Undine" a classic and the "most artistic of all the Continental weird tales." In 1816 "Undine" was composed into a German opera by E.T.A. Hoffmann, who will later appear in the countdown. And speaking of the countdown, in my next post I will place a link to Fouque's fine horror short story of a mischievous goblin.

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